Sunday, October 25

Thinking ahead to Christmas...

I know, I know. Christmas already?

I have to do this, however, to space out the cost of Christmas. We're on a tight budget because Will costs us a house payment alone in out of pocket expenses each month. (More about that in an upcoming post.)

We talk every year of our kids having too much or getting too much. We have simplified greatly over the past years, but we're still looking for a way to reign in Christmas. It doesn't help matters any that Will's birthday is in October, my oldest is in December, and my youngest in January. It is a barrage of gift giving through a few short months and then the whirlwind is over. It's overwhelming.

So, instead, we're talking about implementing a simple strategy I've heard a lot about....Want. Need. Wear. Read. It is just as it sounds...the kids get four things, though some families implement a Santa gift as well. For more info, click on the link here.

We're also talking about doing something during the holidays to work on teaching the kids to think of others. Maybe Operation Christmas Child. Have you heard of this?

Do you have anything special to remind kids what the season is really about? I'm looking for ideas....


  1. Hey, as you know we are in the same situation and are doing 3 gifts only. One thing I do with Ethan is after Christmas we talk a lot about kids who have less. Then we talk about what toys he really doesn't use anymore. Then we donate them together. It's simple, but it's really hard for him to give up some things. The other thing we do is on the epiphany we use some of his money to buy a baby gift for someone in need. I usually donate to the Pres. church, so they can get it to the proper place. I know you don't do ePIPHANY, BUT COULD DO IT ON cHRISTMAS IN HONOR OF BABY jESUS. Sorry I must of hit caps locked, but you get the idea. I'm looking forward to any other responses you get. Shan

  2. We have 4 kids and Asa has a boatload of expenses! Santa has always brought our kids 3 gifts. Baby Jesus got 3 gifts...that are it helps us tie in the meaning of Christmas as well as saves money. And we accidentally do the want, need, wear idea! My kids get so excited to pick out the shoes they'll get for Christmas instead of back to school! :)

    We also do the "Christmas Child". It is such a great, easy idea.

  3. When my girls were younger, we would collect gently loved gifts and take them to a homeless shelter or orphanage and they helped me carry them in and see chidren who would benefit from those gifts. They loved it!
